Kamis, 27 November 2008



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dan adalah رسول الله SAW sangat menyukai sikap optimis, dan tiadalah bagi kita suatu amal yang lebih diharapkan akan maghfirah-Nya selain mengikuti jejak رسول الله SAW didalam hal optimis akan rahmat الله, dan kita mengharap semoga kita diakhirkan dengan kebaikan baik di dunia maupun di akhirat. الله Ta’ala telah berfirman :

ان الله لا يغفر ان يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء

Sesungguhnya الله tiada mengampuni dosa syirik dan akan mengampuni selain daripada syirik kepada orang yang dikehendaki

Dan الله Ta’ala telah berfirman telah berfirman, :

قل ياعبادى الذين اسرفواعلى انفسهم لاتقنطوامن رحمة الله ان الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا انه هو الغفور الرحيم

Katakan kepada hambaku yang melampaui batas atas diri mereka, “Janganlah kalian semua berputus asa dari rahmart الله. Sesungguhnya الله mengampuni semua dosa. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun dan Maha Kasih.

Dan الله Ta’ala berfirman, :

ومن يعمل سوءااويظلم نفسه ثم يستغفرالله يجد الله غفورا رحيما

Barang siapa yang berbuat keburukan atau menganiaya diri mereka sendiri kemudian ia memohon maaf kepada الله niscaya ia mendapati الله itu Maha Pengampun dan Maha Pengasih

Sesungguhnya Dzat Yang Maha Pemurah, kebaikan-Nya meliputi segala hal, luas rahmat-Nya, kemurahan-Nya melimpah kepada segala jenis makhluk sementara kita adalah salah satu makhluk dari makhluk-makhluk الله Azza wa Jalla. Tidak ada jalan untuk sampai kepada-Nya melainkan dengan kemurahan dan fadhal-Nya. Telah bersabda رسول الله SAW, :

ان الله تعالى مائة رحمة انزل منها رحمة واحدة بين الجن والانس والطير والبهائم والهوام, فبها يتعاطهون وبها يتراحمون وأخر تسعا وتسعين رحمة يرحم بها عبادهم يوم القيامة

Sesungguhnya الله Ta’ala memiliki seratus rahmat, satu rahmat diturunkan ke bumi dibagi antara jin dan manusia dan burung-burung dan binatang dan serangga. Maka dengan satu rahmat itu mereka mendapatkan rizki, dan dengannya mereka sayang menyayangi. Dan الله mengakhirkan 99 rahmat yang dengannya الله mengasihi hamba-Nya kelak di hari kiyamat.

Dan telah diriwayatkan apabila telah datang hari kiyamat الله Ta’ala mengeluarkan kitab yang berasal dari bawah ‘Arsy, yang tertulis : ان رحمتي سبقت غضبى وأنا ارحم الراحمين (Sesungguhnya rahmat-Ku mendahului amarah-Ku, dan Aku adalah Yang Maha penyayang diantara para penyayang). Maka keluarlah dari neraka sebanyak orang ahli surga.

Telah bersabda رسول الله SAW :

يتجلي الله عز وجل لنا يوم القيامة ضاحكا فيقول ابشروا معشر المسلمين فانه ليس منكم الا وقد جعلت مكانه في النار يهوديا او نصرانيا

Sesungguhnya الله Azza wa Jalla menampakkan diri (tajaly) kepada kita kelak di hari kiyamat seraya tersenyum dan berfirman, “Berilah kabar gembira kepada segenap kaum muslimin bahwasanya tidak sekali diantara kamu sekalian melainkan telah Aku gantikan tempat mereka di neraka dengan orang yahudi atau nasrani.

Dan telah bersabda Nabi SAW, :

يشفع الله تعالى أدم يوم القيامة من جميع ذريته في مائة الف الف وعشرة ألاف ألف

Kelak di hari kiyamat Nabi Adam AS memohonkan syafaat kepada الله SWT untuk semua anak keturunannya sebanyak 110 juta orang.

Dan telah bersabda رسول الله SAW,

ان الله عز وجل يقول يوم القيامة للمؤمنين هل احببتم لقائي فيقولون نعم يا ربنا فيقول لما ؟ فيقولون رجونا عفوك ومغفرتك فيقول قد اوجبت لكم مغفرتي

Sesungguhnya الله Azza wa Jalla berfirman kepada orang-orang Mukmin kelak di hari kiyamat “Apakah kamu sekalian senang bertemu dengan-Ku ?” Mereka menjawab, “Benar wahai Tuhanku”. Maka الله berfirman, “Karena apa ?”. Mereka menjawab, “Kami mengharapkan ampunan dan maghfirah-Mu”. الله Ta’ala berfirman, “Sungguh telah Aku pastikan bagi kamu semua akan ampunan-Ku”.

Telah bersabda رسول الله SAW yang artinya, “Apabila penduduk neraka telah berkumpul di dalam neraka, demikian pula orang-orang yang dikehendaki الله SWT dari orang-orang yang ahli ibadah, maka berkatalah orang kafir kepada orang Islam, “Bukankah kamu orang-orang Islam ?”. Kaum muslimin menjawab, “Benar”.

Orang kafirpun bertanya, “Lalu apa gunanya keislaman kalian jika kalian akhirnya bersama kami di neraka ?”

Orang Islam pun menjawab, “Sesungguhnya kami memiliki dosa sehingga kami dihukum karenanya”.

Maka الله Azza wa Jalla mendengar perbincangan mereka dan memerintahkan agar orang-orang Islam yang mau beribadah tadi dikeluarkan dari neraka, maka dikeluarkanlah mereka semua. Tatkala orang-orang kafir melihat hal yang demikian, mareka berkata,” يا ليت كنا مسلمين فنخرج كما أخرجوا

Wahai kiranya aku ini dahulu menjadi orang Islam sehingga kami dikeluarkan sebagaimana mereka dikeluarkan”.

Kemudian رسول الله SAW membaca firman الله SWT,

ربما يود الذين كفروا لو كانوا مسلمون

Boleh jadi orang-orang kafir itu sangat menginginkan jika mereka itu (dahulunya) menjadi orang Islam

Dan telah bersabda رسول الله SAW, “Sesungguhnya الله SWT itu lebih sayang kepada hambanya melebihi kedua orang tuanya yang menyayangi puteranya”.

Sahabat Jabir bin AbdiLlah RA berkata, “Barang siapa yang kebaikannya melebihi keburukannya kelak di hari kiyamat, maka maka dialah orang yang dapat masuk surga tanpa hisab. Dan barang siapa yang sama diantara perbuatan baik dan buruknya, maka mereka itu akan mengalami hisab yang ringan / mudah kemudian masuk surga. Sesungguhnya syafa’at رسول الله SAW itu bagi orang yang berbuat kesalahan dan mau menanggung beban di atas punggungnya.

Dan telah diriwayatkan bahwa الله Azza wa Jallah telah berfirman kepada Nabi Musa AS, “Wahai Musa, Qarun telah meminta pertolongan kepadamu namun tidak engkau tolong. Demi keagungan dan kemulyaan-Ku, seandainya ia meminta tolong kepada-Ku niscaya Aku tolong dan Aku maafkan”.

Telah berjata As-Shanaajy, “Aku masuk ke rumah Ubadah bin Ash-Shaamit pada waktu ia menderita sakit yang hendak membawa kepada ajalnya. Aku menangis maka ia berkata, ‘Tenanglah, mengapa engkau menangis ?, Demi الله, tiada sesuatu haditspun yang aku dengar dari رسول الله SAW yang mengandung kebaikan melainkan aku beritakan kepada kamu semua kecuali satu buah hadits yang akan aku beritakan kepada kamu pada hari ini, dan sungguh aku telah mendengar رسول الله SAW bersabda, :

من شهد أن لااله الاالله وأن محمدا رسول الله حرم الله عليه النار

Barang siapayang bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Yang Disembah kecuali الله dan sesungguhnya محمد adalah utusan الله, maka الله mengharamkan baginya neraka.

Telah bersabda رسول الله SAW dalam akhir sebuah hadits yang panjang yang mengisahkan tentang kiyamat, dan shirat, bahwa الله SWT berfirman kepada para malaikat-Nya, “Barang siapa diantara kamu sekalian yang mendapati di dalam hati seorang hamba suatu kebaikan seberat satu dinar, maka keluarkanlah mereka dari neraka.” Kemudian dikeluarkanlah mereka dari neraka dan keluarlah mereka dari neraka dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak. Kemudian para malaikat berkata, “Wahai Tuhan kami, kami tiada lagi mendapati sebagaimana yang Engkau perintahkan”.

Kemudian الله SWT berfirman, “Kembalilah kalian, barang siapa diantara kalian yang mendapati kebaikan seberat setengah dinar maka keluarkanlah mereka dari neraka”. Maka mereka mengeluarkan makhluk dari neraka dalam jumlah yang banyak, kemudian berkata, “Wahai Tuhan kami, tiada lagi kami dapati seseorang sebagaimana yang Engkau perintahkan”.

Kemudian الله SWT berfirman, “Kembalilah kalian, barang siapa diantara diantara kalian yang mendapati kebaikan dari mereka seberat biji sawi, maka keluarkanlah mereka dari neraka”. Maka para malaikat itu mengeluarkan mereka dalam jumlah yang banyak kemudian berkata, “Wahai Tuhan kami, tiada lagi kami mendapati lagi seseorang sebagaimana yang Engkau perintahkan”.

Dan adalah Abu Said berkata, “Jika kalian tidak mempercayai hadits ini, maka bacalah apa saja sesuka kalian”

ان الله لايظلم مثقال ذرة وان تك حسنة يضاعفها ويؤت من لدنه أجرا عظيما

Sesungguhnya Allah tiada menganiaya sedikitpun, dan sesungguhnya kebaikan akan dilipatgandakan dan diberi pahala dari sisi-Nya dengan pahala yang besar.

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook on April 24, 1954) is an American who was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1981 murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner.[3] Prior to his arrest he was a Black Panther Party activist, cab driver, and journalist. Since his conviction, his case has received international attention and he has become a controversial cultural icon. Supporters and opponents disagree on the appropriateness of the death penalty, whether he is guilty, or whether he received a fair trial.[4][5][6] During his imprisonment he has published several books and other commentaries, notably Live from Death Row. As of 2008, his legal appeals are still unsettled and he is a prisoner at State Correctional Institution Greene near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.

Early life and activism

Abu-Jamal's father died when Abu-Jamal was nine years old.[7] Abu-Jamal was given the name Mumia in 1968 by his high school teacher, a Kenyan instructing a class on African cultures in which students took African classroom names.[8] He claims that 'Mumia' means "Prince" and was the name of anti-colonial African nationalists conducting warfare against the British in Kenya at the time of Kenya's independence movement.[9] He adopted the surname Abu-Jamal ("father of Jamal" in Arabic) after the birth of his son Jamal on July 18, 1971.[8][10] His first marriage at age 19, to Jamal's mother, Biba, was short-lived.[11] Their daughter, Lateefa, was born shortly after the wedding.[2] Mazi, Abu-Jamal's son by his second wife, Marilyn (known as "Peachie"),[10] was born in early 1978.[12] Abu-Jamal separated from Marilyn and commenced living with his third and current wife, Wadiya, shortly before the events that led to his incarceration.[13]

In his own writings, Abu-Jamal describes his adolescent experience of being "kicked ... into the Black Panther Party" after suffering a beating from white racists and a policeman for his efforts to disrupt a George Wallace for President rally in 1968.[14] The following year, at the age of 15, he helped form the Philadelphia branch of the Black Panther Party,[15] taking appointment, in his own words, as the chapter's "Lieutenant of Information", exercising a responsibility for authoring propaganda and news communications. In one of the interviews he gave at the time he quoted Mao Zedong, saying that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun".[16] That same year, he dropped out of Benjamin Franklin High School and took up residence in the branch's headquarters.[15] He spent the winter of 1969 in New York City and the spring of 1970 in Oakland, living and working with BPP colleagues in those cities.[17] He was a party member from May 1969 until October 1970 and was subject to FBI COINTELPRO surveillance from then until about 1974.[18]

Education and journalism career

After leaving the Panthers he returned to his old high school, but was suspended for distributing literature calling for "black revolutionary student power".[19] He also led unsuccessful protests to change the school name to Malcolm X High.[19] After attaining his GED, he studied briefly at Goddard College in rural Vermont.[20]

By 1975 he was pursuing a vocation in radio newscasting, first at Temple University's WRTI and then at commercial enterprises.[19] In 1975, he was employed at radio station WHAT and he became host of a weekly feature program of WCAU-FM in 1978.[21] He was also employed for brief periods at radio station WPEN, and became active in the local chapter of the Marijuana Users Association of America.[21] From 1979 he worked at WUHY public radio station until 1981 when he was asked to submit his resignation after a dispute about the requirements of objective focus in his presentation of news.[21] As a radio journalist he earned the moniker "the voice of the voiceless" and was renowned for identifying with and giving exposure to the MOVE anarcho-primitivist commune in Philadelphia's Powelton Village neighborhood, including reportage of the 1979–80 trial of certain of its members (the "MOVE Nine") charged with the murder of police officer James Ramp.[21] At the time of the killing of Daniel Faulkner, Abu-Jamal was working as a taxicab driver in Philadelphia.[22] He was also the outgoing President of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists,[23] and had been working part-time as a reporter for WDAS,[21] then an African-American-oriented and minority-owned radio station.[24]

Arrest for murder and trial

On December 9, 1981, in Philadelphia, close to the intersection at 13th and Locust Streets, Philadelphia Police Department officer Daniel Faulkner was shot and killed during a traffic stop. The stopped vehicle belonged to William Cook, Abu-Jamal's younger brother. In the altercation, Abu-Jamal was wounded by a shot from Faulkner, collapsed on the sidewalk, and was apprehended by the police. He was taken directly from the scene of the shooting to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital where he received treatment for his injuries. He was later charged with the first-degree murder of Daniel Faulkner.[25]

The case went to trial in June 1982 in Philadelphia. Judge Albert F. Sabo initially agreed to Abu-Jamal's request to represent himself, with criminal defense attorney Anthony Jackson acting as his legal advisor. During the first day of the trial this decision was reversed and Jackson was ordered to resume acting as Abu-Jamal's sole advocate by reason of what the judge deemed to be intentionally disruptive actions on Abu-Jamal's part.[26]

Prosecution case at trial

The prosecution presented four witnesses to the court. Robert Chobert, a cab driver, identified Abu-Jamal as the shooter.[27] Cynthia White, a prostitute, claimed to see a man emerge from a nearby parking lot and shoot Faulkner.[28] Michael Scanlon, a motorist, testified that from two car lengths away, he saw a man, matching Abu-Jamal's description, run across the street from a parking lot and shoot Faulkner.[29] Albert Magilton, a pedestrian who did not see the actual killing, testified to witnessing Faulkner pull over Cook's car. At the point of seeing Abu-Jamal start to cross the street toward them from the parking lot, Magilton turned away and lost sight of what happened next.[30]

The prosecution also presented two witnesses who were present at the hospital after the altercation. Hospital security guard Priscilla Durham and Police Officer Garry Bell testified that Abu-Jamal confessed in the hospital by saying, "I shot the mother fucker, and I hope the mother fucker dies."[31]

A .38 caliber revolver, belonging to Abu-Jamal, with five spent cartridges was retrieved at the scene. The shell casings and rifling characteristics of the weapon were consistent with bullet fragments taken from Faulkner's body.[32] Tests to confirm Abu-Jamal had handled and fired the weapon were not performed; Abu-Jamal's struggle with the police during his arrest would have made the potential results scientifically unreliable.[33]

Defense case at trial

The defense maintained that Abu-Jamal was innocent of the charges and that the testimony of the prosecution's witnesses was unreliable.

The defense presented nine character witnesses, including poet Sonia Sanchez who testified that Abu-Jamal was "viewed by the black community as a creative, articulate, peaceful, genial man".[34] Another defense witness, Dessie Hightower, testified that he saw a man running along the street shortly after the shooting although he did not see the actual shooting itself.[35] His testimony contributed to the development of a "running man theory", based on the possibility that a "running man" may have been the actual shooter. Veronica Jones also testified for the defense but she did not see anyone running.[36] Other potential defense witnesses refused to appear in court.[37] Abu-Jamal did not testify in his own defense.

Verdict and sentence

The jury delivered a unanimous guilty verdict after three hours of deliberations.

In the sentencing phase of the trial, Abu-Jamal read to the jury from a prepared statement. He was then cross-examined about issues relevant to the assessment of his character by Joseph McGill, the prosecuting attorney.[38] In his statement Abu-Jamal criticized his attorney as a "legal trained lawyer" who was imposed on him against his will and who "knew he was inadequate to the task and chose to follow the directions of this black-robed conspirator, [Judge] Albert Sabo, even if it meant ignoring my directions". He claimed that his rights had been "deceitfully stolen" from him by the judge, particularly focusing on the denial of his request to receive defense assistance from John Africa (who was not an attorney) and being prevented from proceeding pro se. He quoted remarks of John Africa and declared himself "innocent of these charges".[39]

Abu-Jamal was subsequently sentenced to death by the unanimous decision of the jury.

Post-trial developments

Since the sentence, new claims contradicting the trial evidence have surfaced.

Eighteen years after the slaying, Arnold Beverly claimed that, "wearing a green (camouflage) army jacket", he had run across the street and shot Daniel Faulkner as part of a contract killing because Faulkner was interfering with graft and payoff to corrupt police.[41] Private investigator George Newman claimed in 2001 that Chobert had recanted his testimony.[42] Cynthia White died in 1992,[43] and it was subsequently alleged that she falsified her testimony.[44] Kenneth Pate, a stepbrother of Priscilla Durham who was imprisoned with Abu-Jamal on other charges, has since claimed that Durham admitted to not hearing the hospital confession.[45] The hospital doctors have claimed that Abu-Jamal was not capable of making such a dramatic bedside confession at that time.[7]

In his version of events, detailed in a sworn statement almost 20 years afterwards, Abu-Jamal claimed that he was sitting in his cab across the street when he heard shouting, then saw a police vehicle, then heard the sound of gunshots. Upon seeing his brother appearing disoriented across the street, Abu-Jamal ran to him from the parking lot and was shot by a police officer. The statement includes no mention of the gun that was found nearby him at the crime scene nor the corresponding firearms shoulder holster he was found to be wearing at the time of his arrest.[46] William Cook did not testify or make any statement until 2001 when he claimed that he had not seen who had shot Faulkner.[47]

Appeals and review

State appeals

Direct appeal of his conviction was considered and denied by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on March 6, 1989,[48] subsequently denying rehearing.[49] The Supreme Court of the United States denied his petition for writ of certiorari on October 1, 1990,[50] and denied his petition for rehearing twice up to June 10, 1991.[51][52]

On June 1, 1995 his death warrant was signed by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge.[52] Its execution was suspended while Abu-Jamal pursued state post-conviction review. At the post-conviction review hearings, new witnesses were called. William "Dales" Singletary testified that he saw the shooting and that the gunman was the passenger in Cook's car.[53] Singletary's account contained discrepancies which rendered it "not credible" in the opinion of the court.[52][54] William Harmon, a convicted fraudster, testified that Faulkner's murderer fled in a car which pulled up at the crime scene, and could not have been Abu-Jamal.[55] However, Robert Harkins testified that he had witnessed a man stand over Faulkner as the latter lay wounded on the ground, who shot him point-blank in the face and then "walked and sat down on the curb".[56][57]

The six judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled unanimously that all issues raised by Abu-Jamal, including the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, were without merit.[58] The Supreme Court of the United States denied a petition for certiorari against that decision on October 4, 1999, enabling Governor Ridge to sign a second death warrant on October 13, 1999. Its execution in turn was stayed as Abu-Jamal commenced his pursuit of federal habeas corpus review.[52]

In 2008, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania rejected a further request from Abu-Jamal for a hearing into claims that the trial witnesses perjured themselves on the grounds that he had waited too long before filing the appeal.[59][60]

Federal ruling directing resentencing

"Free Mumia" / "Cop killer" Graffiti.

Judge William H. Yohn Jr. of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania upheld the conviction but voided the sentence of death on December 18, 2001, citing irregularities in the original process of sentencing.[52] Particularly,

"...the jury instructions and verdict sheet in this case involved an unreasonable application of federal law. The charge and verdict form created a reasonable likelihood that the jury believed it was precluded from considering any mitigating circumstance that had not been found unanimously to exist."[52]

He ordered the State of Pennsylvania to commence new sentencing proceedings within 180 days[61] and ruled that it was unconstitutional to require that a jury's finding of circumstances mitigating against determining a sentence of death be unanimous.[62] Eliot Grossman and Marlene Kamish, attorneys for Abu-Jamal, criticized the ruling on the grounds that it denied the possibility of a trial de novo at which they could introduce evidence that their client had been framed.[63] Prosecutors also criticized the ruling; Maureen Faulkner (Officer Faulkner's widow) described Abu-Jamal as a "remorseless, hate-filled killer" who would "be permitted to enjoy the pleasures that come from simply being alive" on the basis of the judgement.[64] Both parties appealed.

Federal appeal

On December 6, 2005, the Third Circuit Court admitted four issues for appeal of the ruling of the District Court:[65] 1) in relation to sentencing, whether the jury verdict form had been flawed and the judge's instructions to the jury had been confusing; 2) in relation to conviction and sentencing, whether racial bias in jury selection existed to an extent tending to produce an inherently biased jury and therefore an unfair trial (the Batson claim); 3) in relation to conviction, whether the prosecutor improperly attempted to reduce jurors' sense of responsibility by telling them that a guilty verdict would be subsequently vetted and subject to appeal; 4) in relation to post-conviction review hearings in 1995–6, whether the presiding judge, who had also presided at the trial, demonstrated unacceptable bias in his conduct.

The Third Circuit Court heard oral arguments in the appeals on May 17, 2007, at the United States Courthouse in Philadelphia. The appeal panel consisted of Chief Judge Anthony Joseph Scirica, Judge Thomas Ambro, and Judge Robert Cowen. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sought to reinstate the sentence of death, on the basis that Yohn's ruling was flawed, as he should have deferred to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which had already ruled on the issue of sentencing, and the Batson claim was invalid because Abu-Jamal made no complaints during the original jury selection. Abu-Jamal's counsel told the Third Circuit Court that Abu-Jamal did not get a fair trial because the jury was both racially-biased and misinformed, and the judge was a racist.[66] (Court stenographer Terri Maurer-Carter stated in a 2001 affidavit that the presiding judge had exclaimed, "Yeah, and I'm going to help them fry the nigger", in the course of a conversation regarding Abu-Jamal's case.[67][68] Judge Sabo denied making such a comment.[69])

On March 27, 2008, the three-judge panel issued a majority 2–1 opinion upholding Yohn's 2001 opinion but rejecting the bias and Batson claims, with Judge Ambro dissenting on the Batson issue. If the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania chooses not to hold a new hearing, Abu-Jamal will be automatically sentenced to life in prison.[70][71] On July 22, 2008, Abu-Jamal's formal petition seeking reconsideration of the decision by the full Third Circuit panel of 12 judges was denied.[72]

Life as a prisoner

In May 1994, Abu-Jamal was engaged by National Public Radio's All Things Considered program to deliver a series of monthly 3-minute commentaries on crime and punishment.[73] The broadcast plans and commercial arrangement were canceled following condemnations from, amongst others, the Fraternal Order of Police[74] and US Senator Bob Dole (R-KS).[75] The commentaries later appeared in print in May 1995 as part of Live from Death Row.[76]

In 1999, he was invited to deliver the keynote address for the graduating class at The Evergreen State College. The event was protested heavily.[77] In 2000, he gave a commencement address at Antioch College.[78] The New College of California School of Law has presented him with an honorary degree "for his struggle to resist the death penalty".[79]

While his spoken word commentaries are recorded regularly, and may be listened to online at Prison Radio,[80] and he continues to write a Saturday weekly column for the German language Marxist newspaper junge Welt, restrictions have at times been imposed upon his activities. In 1995, he was punished with solitary confinement for engaging in entrepreneurship contrary to prison regulations. Subsequent to the airing of the 1996 HBO documentary Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?, which included footage from visitation interviews conducted with him, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections acted to ban outsiders from using any recording equipment in state prisons.[20] In litigation before the US Court of Appeals in 1998 he successfully established his right to write for reward in prison. The same litigation also established that the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections had illegally opened his mail in an attempt to establish whether he was writing for financial gain.[81] When, for a brief time in August 1999, he began delivering his radio commentaries live on the Pacifica Network's Democracy Now! weekday radio newsmagazine, local prison authorities severed the connecting wires of his telephone from their mounting in mid-performance.[20]

His publications include Death Blossoms: Reflections from a Prisoner of Conscience, in which he explores religious themes, All Things Censored, a political critique examining issues of crime and punishment, and We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party, which is a history of the Black Panthers drawing on autobiographical material.

Popular support and opposition

Concert at a Free Mumia demonstration in Germany, 2007
Anti-Abu-Jamal T-shirt sold in the Philadelphia area[82]

A broad international movement has allied in support of Abu-Jamal's cause with opposition coalesced about the family of Daniel Faulkner, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Fraternal Order of Police,[83] which in August 1999 called for an economic boycott against all individuals and organizations that support Abu-Jamal.[84]

His supporters protest at perceived injustice or deplore the death penalty in his and other cases, and encompass prominent American labor unions and congresses;[85][86][87][88] endorsees of the Partisan Defense Committee's campaign;[89] US and foreign city governments;[90] politicians;[6] advocates;[91] educators;[92] the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund;[19] human rights advocacy organizations such as Human Rights Watch[93] and Amnesty International;[4] and celebrities, such as the rock band Rage Against the Machine.

Honors and controversy

See also: Anti-French sentiment in the United States#Mumia Abu-Jamal

Abu-Jamal has been made an honorary citizen of about 25 cities around the world, including Paris, Montreal and Palermo.[94] In 2001, he received the biannual Lübeck Erich Mühsam Prize, awarded by Frank-Thomas Gaulin of Kunsthaus Lübeck, for special commitment to human rights.[95] In October 2002, he was conferred honorary membership of the Berlin-based Association of Those Persecuted by the Nazi Regime – Federation of Antifascists and Antifascist Groups (VVN-BdA).[96]

On April 29, 2006, a newly-paved road in the Parisian suburb of St Denis was named Rue Mumia Abu-Jamal in his honor.[97] In protest of the street-naming, US Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced resolutions in both Houses of Congress condemning the action.[98][99] The House of Representatives voted 368–31 in favor of the resolution.[100] In December 2006, the 25th anniversary of the murder, the executive committee of the Republican Party for the 59th Ward of the City of Philadelphia (covering approximately Germantown, Philadelphia), filed two criminal complaints in the French legal system against the city of Paris and the city of Saint-Denis citing the wrong of those municipalities' actions in "glorifying" Abu-Jamal and alleging the offense "apology or denial of crime" in respect of their actions.[94][101]

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ketahuilah kiranya bahwa yang dicari pada pasal ini tidak akan terbuka melainkan dengan mengetahui hakikat kecintaan, tentang kecintaan itu sendiri, kemudian mengetahuui syarat-syarat dan sebab-sebabnya, kemudian setelah itu memperhatikan pada pemastian maknanya terhadap kecintaan kepada الله SWT.

Maka yang pertama, yang seharusnya dipastikan ialah : tidak akan tergambar adanya kecintaan kecuali sesudah ma’rifah (kenal) dan idrak (mengetahui). Karena manusia itu tidak akan mencintai melainkan apa yang ia ketahui, dan karena itulah tidak akan tergambar barang yang beku/mati mempunyai sifat kecintaan. Akan tetapi kecintaan itu adalah suatu sifat yang khusus bagi yang hidup, yang mengetahui. Kemudian hal-hal yang diketahui itu terbagi kepada :

- yang bersesuaian dengan tabi’at yang mengetahui, yang cocok, yang enak baginya.

- yang berketiadaan, yang berjauhan dan menyakitinya.

- Yang tidak membebaskan padanya dengan menyakitkan dan melezatkan.

Maka setiap yang diketahui itu sesuatu yang lezat dan menyenangkan, niscaya akan dicintai oleh yang mengetahui. Dan apa yang diketahuinya itu sesuatu yang pedih, maka akan dibenci oleh yang mengetahui. Dan yang terlepas dari akibat kepedihan dan kelezatan maka keadaannya tidak disifatkan dengan dicintai atau dibenci.

Jadi, setiap yang enak itu dicintai oleh yang menerima keenakan. Makna keadaannya itu dicintai adalah bahwa tabi’atnya cenderung kepadanya. Dan makna benci adalah bahwa tabi’atnya itu lari / menjauh dari padanya.

Maka cinta itu adalah kecenderungan tabi’at kepada sesuatu yang melezatkan. Jikalau kecenderungan itu kokoh dan kuat niscaya dinamakan ‘asyiq (hati bergantung kepadanya). Dan benci itu ibarat dari larinya tabiat dari yang memedihkan, yang memayahkan. Apabila benci telah kuat niscaya dinamakan maqtan (sangat benci).

Inilah asal usul dari kahikat makna cinta, yang harus kita kenal.

Asal-usul yang kedua adalah bahwa cinta apabila padanya itu pengikut bagi idrak dan ma’rifah niscaya tidak mustahil akan terbagi menurut pembagian yang di-idrak-kan dan panca indera. Setiap panca indera memiliki idrak bagi semacam yang di-idrak-kan. Bagi setiap sesuatu dari padanya memiliki kelezatan pada sebagian yang di-idrak-kan. Dan bagi tabi’at yang dengan sebab kelezatan yang demikian, pasti mempunyai kecenderungan padanya. Maka semua yang diketahui itu menjadi dicintai pada tabi’at yang sehat. Kelezatan mata itu pada melihat, mengetahui segala yang dilihat, yang cantik dan semua bentuk yang manis, yang bagus, yang melezatkan. Kelezatan telinga itu ada pada bunyi-bunyian yang merdu, yang tertimbang tinggi rendahnya. Kelezatan penciuman itu ada pada bebauan yang harum. Kelezatan rasa itu ada pada makanan, dan kelezatan sentuhan itu pada yang halus dan licin.

Tatkala yang diketahui dengan panca indera itu melezatkan niscaya dia akan dicintai. Artinya adalah kecenderungan kepada tabi’at yang sehat kepadanya. Sehingga رسول الله SAW bersabda :

حبب الى من دنياكم ثلاث : الطيب, والنساء, وجعل قرة عينى فى الصلاة

Menjadi kecintaan bagiku dari duniamu tiga perkara : bau-bauan, wanita, dan dijadikan cahaya mataku pada shalat.

Dinamakan bebauan itu dicintai, sebagaimana dimaklumi bahwa tidak ada bahagian untuk mata dan telinga pada bau-bauan itu, akan tetapi hanya bagi penciuman saja. Dan dinamakan wanita itu dicintai, karena tidak ada bagian pada wanita itu selain bagi penglihatan dan sentuhan, tidak bagi penciuman, rasa dan pendengaran. Dinamakan shalat itu cahaya mata dan dijadikannya yang paling dicintai, sebagaimana dimaklumi bahwa sesungguhnya panca indera itu tidak mendapatkan keberuntungan dengan shalat akan tetapi indera yang ke-enam lah yang tempat sangkaannya itu adalah hati yang tidak akan diketahui selain oleh orang yang mempunyai hati.

Kelezatan panca indera yang lima itu bersekutuan padanya antara binatang dengan manusia (keduanya sama-sama memiliki). Maka jikalau cinta itu dibatasi hanya kepada apa yang diketahui oleh panca indera – sehingga dikatakan bahwa الله SWT itu tidak ber-idrak dengan panca indera dan tidak bercontoh pada khayalan, maka IA tidak mencintai. Jadi, batalah kekhususan manusia dan apa yang berbedanya manusia dari panca indera yang ke enam yang diibaratkan daripadanya. Adakalanya dengan nur, akal dan hati atau dengan apa yang engkau kehendaki dari ibarat-ibarat yang lain, maka tidaklah bersempit-sempit padanya. Dan amat jauhlah yang demikian. Sesungguhnya penglihatan mata hati yang bathiniyah itu lebih tajam dari pada penglihatan lahiriyah. Hati itu lebih kuat idrak-nya daripada mata. Keindahan pengertian-pengertian yang diketahui dengan akal itu lebih besar dari keindahan bentuk-bentuk lahiriyah dari penglihatan.

Maka tidaklah mustahil adanya kelezatan hati dengan apa yang dilihatnya dari hal-hal yang mulia yang bersifat Ketuhanan, yang sukar di-idrak-kan oleh panca indra itu lebih sempurna dan lebih bersangatan. Maka adalah kecenderungan tabi’at yang sejahtera dan akal yang sehat kepadanya itu lebih kuat. Tak ada arti bagi cinta selain kecenderungan kepada apa yang diketahuinya itu lezat, sebagaimana akan datang uraiannya (insya-Allah). Jadi tidaklah dimungkiri akan kecintan kepada الله SWT selain orang yang telah duduk bersimpuh padanya keteledoran dalam derajat binatang, sehingga sekali-kali ia tidak dapat melampaui ­idrak panca indera.

Asal usul ketiga adalah, tidak tersembunyi lagi bahwa manusia itu mencintai diri sendiri. Da tidak tersembuntyi pula bahwa manusia itu terkadang mencintai orang lain, karena dirinya sendiri. Adakah tergambar manusia itu mencintai orang lain karena diri orang lain itu bukan karena dirinya sendiri ?

Ini termasuk beberapa hal yang terkadang sulit atas orang-orang yang lemah sehingga mereka itu menyangka bahwa tidak tergambar dimana manusia itu mencintai orang lain karena diri orang lain itu selama keuntungan dari orang lain itu tidak kembali kepada yang mencintai selain mengetahui idrinya.

Yang benar, bahwa yang demikian itu bisa tergambar dan ada. Maka marilah kita terangkan sebab-sebab cinta dan bahagian-bahagiannya.

Penjelasannya bahwa kecintaan yang pertama pada setiap yang hidup itu adalah dirinya sendiri (cinta kepada diri sendiri). Makna cintanya kepada dirinya adalah bahwa pada tabi’atnya itu cenderung kepada kekekalan keberadaannya, lari dari ketiadaan dan kebinasaannya. Karena yang dicintai dari tabi’at itu adalah yang bersesuaian dengan yang mencintai. Manakah yang lebih sempurna kesesuaian dari dirinya dan kekekalan terus adanya ? Manakah sesuatu yang lebis besar berlawanan dan kelarian darinya dari tidak adanya dan kebinasaannya ?

Karena itulah manusia mencintai kekekalan dan tidak menyukai mati terbunuh. Tidak semata-mata karena apa yang ia takuti sesudah mati dan tidak pula seamta-mata takut dari sakaratul maut, akan tetapi jikalau ia disambar tanpa ada kesakitan dan dimatikan tanpa pahala dan siksa niscaya ia tidak ridha / mau dengan yang demikian. Ia tidak menyukai mati dan ketiadaan semata, selain karena kepedihan dan penderitaan dalam hidup.

Manakala ia terkena oleh suatu cobaan, maka yang dicintainya adalah hilangnya cobaan itu. Maka jikalau ia mencintai ketiadaannya niscaya ia tidak mencintainya karena itu suatu ketiadaan dirinya, akan tetapi dikarenakan hilangnya cobaan (kepedihan) pada dirinya.

Maka kebinasaan dan ketiadaan itu dibencikan. Dan kekekalan (terus menerus ada) itu dicintakan. Sebagaimana kekekalan itu dicintakan (disuka), maka kesempurnaan ada itu juga dicintakan, karena sesuatu yang kurang itu meniadakan kesempurnaan. Dan kekurangan itu tidak ada, dikaitakn kepada kadar yang hilang (yang tiada diperoleh). Dan itu kebinasaan dengan dibandingkan kepadanya.

Binasa dan tidak ada itu dibencikan pada sifat-sifat dan kesempurnaan ada (wujud), sebagaimana dia itu dibencikan pada pokok zatnya sendiri. Sedangkan adanya sifat-sifat kesempurnaan itu dicintakan sebagaimana kekekalan pokok adanya itu dicintakan.

Ini adalah gharizah / instink pada tabi’at-tabi’at dengan hukum sunatuLlah :

ولن تجد لسنة الله تبديل

Dan tiada engkau dapati sunnah الله itu digantikan (Al-Ahzab 62)

Jadi yang pertama dicinta oleh manusia adalah zat dirinya., kemudian keselamatan anggota badannya, kemudian hartanya, anaknya, kaum keluarganya, dan teman-temannya.

Anggota-anggota badan itu dicintai keselamatannya dicari karena kesempurnaan wujud dan kekekalan wujud itu terletak padanya. Harta itu dicintai karena dia itu juga alat pada kekekalan wujud dan kesempurnaannya. Demikian juga sebab-sebab yang lain. Manusia mencintai semua ini bukan karena bendanya, akan tetapi karena keterkaitan keberuntungannya pada kekekalan wujudnya dan kesempurnaannya dengan hal-hal tersebut. Sehingga manusia itu mencintai anaknya walaupun ia tiada memperoleh keuntungan daripadanya. Bahkan ia mau menanggung kesukaran lantaran anak itu karena anak itu akan menggantikannya pada adanya dirinya sesudah ia tiada. Maka pada kekekalan keturunannya itu menjadi semacam kekekalan baginya. Oleh karena itu karena bersangatan kecintaan manusia akan kekekalan dirinya sehingga ia mencintai kekekalan orang yang berdiri pada tempat kediriannya (yang menggantikannya). Dan seakan-akan orang itu menjadi bagian dari dirinya karena ia menyadari kelemahan bahwa mengharap pada kekekalan dirinya untuk selama-lamanya.

Benar jikalau disuruh memilih antara ia dibunuh atau anaknya, apabila tabi’atnya benar niscaya ia memilih kekekalan dirinya di atas kekekalan anaknya karena kekekalan anaknya itu menyerupai kekekalannya dari satu segi, dan tidaklah kekekalan anaknya itu sebagai kekekalannya yang sebenarnya.

Seperti ini juga kecintaan kepada kaum kerabat dan familinya itu kembali kepada kecintaannya bagi kesempurnaan dirinya sendiri. Ia melihat dirinya akan banyak dengan mereka dan menjadi kuat dengan sebab mereka, bertambah elok dengan kesempurnaan mereka. Bahwa famili, harta benda dan sebab-sebab yang di luar dirinya adalah seperti sayap yang menyempurnakan bagi manusia. Oleh karena itu kesempurnaan wujud dan kekelannya sudah pasti dicintai dengan tabiat.

Jadi, kecintaan yang pertama pada setiap yang hidup adalah dirinya, kesempurnaan dirinya dan kekekalan itu semua. Sedangkan yang tidak disukainya adalah lawan dari semua itu. Inilah permulaan dari sebab-sebab itu !

Sebab kedua : adalah berbuat baik (ihsan). Bahwa manusia adalah budak dari (Al-Ihsan). Telah menjadi tabi’at manusia bahwa ia mencintai orang yang berbuat baik kepadanya dan membenci orang yang berbuat jahat kepadanya. رسول الله SAW bersabda :

اللهم لا تجعل لفاجر علي يدا فيحبه قلبي

Wahai الله Tuhanku, jangan Engkau jadikan bagi orang jahat mempunyai tangan (berpengaruh) atasku, maka ia dicintai oleh hatiku.

Sebagai isyarat bahwa kecintaan hati kepada orang yang berbuat baik adalah suatu keharusan, yang tidak sanggup menolaknya, yaitu suatu tabi’at dan fitrah manusia yang tiada jalan kepada merubahnya.

Dengan sebab ini kadang-kadang manusia mencintai orang asing yang tiada ada tali kefamilian serta hubungan antara dia dengan orang asing tersebut. Dan ini apabila telah pasti, maka kembali pada sebab yang pertama itu.

Bahwa orang yang berbuat kebaikan itu ialah orang yang meenolong dengan harta, bantuan dan sebab-sebab lain yang menyampaikan kepada kekekalan terus adanya, kesempurnaan adanya dan keberhasilan keuntungan-keuntungan yang dengan itu tesedialah wujudnya. Hanya saja perbedaannya adalah : anggota tubuh manusia itu dicintakan karena dengannya terdapat kesempurnaan wujudnya, dan itu adalah kesempurnaan itu sendiri yang dicari.

Adapun orang yang berbuat al-ihsan (berbuat baik kepadanya) maka tidaklah ia itu diri kesempurnaan yang dicari akan tetapi terkadang sebagai sebab bagi kesempurnaan. Seperti tabib/dokter yang menjadi sebab pada kekekalan sehatnya anggota-anggota badan. Maka diperbedakan diantara cinta kepada kesehatan dan cinta kepada tabib yang menjadi sebab kesehatan. Karena kesehatan itu dicari bagi diri kesehatan itu, dan tabib dicintai tidak karena dirinya akan tetapi karena dia menjadi sebab bagi kesehatan.

Seperti demikian juga ilmu yang dicintai. Guru itu dicintai. Akan tetapi ilmu itu dicintai bagi ilmu itu sendiri. Dan guru itu dicintai karena adanya guru itu menjadi sebab bagi ilmu yang dicintai. Begitu pula makanaan dan minuman itu dicintai dan uang / emas itu dicintai. Akan tetapi makanan itu dicintai bagi makanan itu sendiri dan uang dinar/emas itu dicintai karena dia menjadi perantara (wasilah) kepada makanan.

Jadi kembalilah perbedaannya kepada berlebih kurangnya tingkat. Jikalau tidak, maka setiap satu itu kembali kepada kecintaan manusia kepada dirinya. Maka setiap orang yang mencintai orang yang berbuat baik / ihsan karena ke-ihsanan-nya, maka sesungguhnya ia tidak mencintai diri orang itu pada hakekatnya, akan tetapi ia mencintai ke-ihsanan-nya yaitu suatu perbuatan dari beberapa perbuatannya. Jikalau hilang (keihsanan) itu niscaya hilang pula kecintaan itu semenrata diri orang itu masih tetap pada keadaannya yang sebenarnya. Jikalau berkurang kebaikannya, niscaya berkurang pula kecintaannya. Dan jikalau bertambah, niscaya bertambah pula kecintaan. Berlaku padanya bertambah dan berkurang menurut bertambah dan berkurangnya ihsan.

Sebab ketiga, bahwa mencintai sesuatu itu dikarenakan diri sesuatu itu sendiri, bukan karena keuntungan yang diperoleh daripadanya dibalik sesuatu itu sendiri. Akan tetapi adalah dirinya itu menjadi kenuntungan itu sendiri. Dan itulah kecintaan yang hakiki yang sampai kepada yang dimaksud yang dipercayakan dengan kekekalannya.

Yang demikian itu seperti kecintaan kepada kecantikan dan kebagusan, bahwa kecantikan itu dicintai pada orang yang mengetahui akan kecantikan. Dan itu adalah karena kecintaan itu sendiri karena mengetahui akan kecantikan maka padanya itu kelezatan tersendiri, yang dicintai karena dirinya benda itu bukan karena lainnya.

Anda jangan menyangka bahwa mencintai sesuatu yang cantik itu tidak tergambar selain karena memenuhi nafsu syahwat. Bahwa memenuhi nafsu syahwat itu suatu kelezatan yang lain yang kadang-kadang rupa yang cantik itu dicintai karena rupa yang cantik itu sendiri. Mengetahui kecantikan itu juga suatu kelezatan. Maka bolehlah bahwa kecantikan itu dicintai karena kecantikan itu sendiri.

Adalah رسول الله SAW itu tertakjubkan oleh sayuran dan air yang mengalir. Tabi’at yang sehat itu terpenuhi, dengan kelezatan memandang kepada cahaya, bunga-bungaan dan burung-burung yang indah warnanya, ukiran yang bagus, yang bersesuaian bentuknya, sehingga manusia itu menjadi lega dari kegundahan dan kesusahan dengan memandang kepdanya. Tidak karena mencari keuntungan dibalik memandang itu.

Maka inilah sebab-sebab yang melezatkan, dan setiap yang melezatkan itu disukai. Setiap kebagusan dan kecantikan maka tidaklah terelepas mengetahuinya dari kelezatan. Dan tidak seorangpun menungkiri akan keadaan kecantikan itu disukai menurut tabi’at manusia.

Kalau sudah pasti bahwa الله SWT itu elok dan indah maka sudah pasti bahwa Dia itu dicintai oleh orang yang tersingkap baginya keelokan dan keagungan-Nya sebagaimana رسول الله SAW bersabda :

ان الله جميل يحب الجمال

Sesungguhnya الله itu indah dan mencintai keindahan.

Pokok ke empat mengenai penjelasan makna bagus dan olek.

Ketahuilah bahwa yang terpenjara di dalam khayalan dan perasaan yang sempit terkadang disangka bahwa yang demikian itu tiada arti bagi kebagusan dan keelokan selain oleh kesesuaian kejadian dan bentuk, kebagusan warna, keadaan putih yang bercampur dengan kemerahan, tegak semampai dan lain sebagainya dari apa yang disifatkan bagi kecantikan seorang insan.

Bahwa kebagusan yang mengerasi atas makhluk adalah kebagusan penglihatan, dan kebanyakan penolehan mereka kepada bentuk orang-orang. Lalu disangka bahwa apa yang tidak dilihat, tidak dikhayalkan, tidak berbentuk dan tidak berwarna itu adalah suatu yang dikira-kirakan (diumpamakan), sehingga tidak tergambarlah kebagusannya. Dan manakala tiada tergambar kebagusannya, niscaya tidaklah tergambar pada idrak-nya itu kelezatan lalu tidaklah ia dicintai.

Ini adalah kesalahan yang nyata. Bahwa kebagusan itu tidaklah terbatas pada yang di-idrak-kan oleh penglihatan dan oleh keserasian kejadian dan kecampuran putih dengan kemerahan. Bahwa kita mengatakan Ini tulisan bagus, ini suara bagus, ini kuda yang bagus. Bahkan kita mengatakan ini kain yang bagus, ini bejana tempat air yang bagus. Maka dimanakah makna kebagusan suara, tulisan dan lain sebagainya, jikalau tidaklah kebagusan itu hanya terbatas pada rupa ?

Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa mata itu merasa lezat dengan memandang pada tulisan yang bagus. Dan telinga merasa enak dengan mendengar bunyi-bunyian yang bagus lagi merdu. Tiada sesuatupun dari hal-hal yang di-idrak-kan (diketahui) melainkan itu terbagi menjadi : bagus dan buruk.

Maka apakah arti bagus yang bersekutu padanya hal-hal tersebut, maka tidak-boleh tidak untuk dibahas. Adapun pembahasan tersebut akan panjang dan tidak layak dengan ilmu muamalah itu berpanjang-panjang padanya. Oleh karena itu kami tegaskan dengan sebenarnya dan kami katakan bahwa segala sesuatu, mengenai indah dan bagusnya itu terletak pada adanya kesempurnaan yang layak yang memungkinkan baginya. Apabila semua kesempurnaannya yang bersifat mungkin itu dapat terwujud, maka adalah ia itu berada pada puncak keelokan. Dan kalau yang terwujud itu sebagian, maka kebagusan dan keelokannya itu menurut kadar yang terwujud saja.

Kuda yang bagus adalah kuda yang terkumpul padanya apa saja yang layak bagi kuda, dari keadaan dan bentuk, warna, kebagusan berlari, mudah menyerbu dan berlarian padanya. Tulisan yang baus adalah tulisan yang terkumpul padanya apa yang layak bagi tulisan dari kesesuaian bentuk huruf, seimbang dan lurus susunannya, dan bagus keteraturannya. Dan bagi setiap sesuatu memiliki kesempurnaan yang layak dengan dia. Maka insan belum tentu bagus dengan apa yang bagus bagi kuda. Tidaklah bagus tulisan dengan apa yang bagus bagi suara. Tidaklah bagus bejana-bejana dengan apa yang bagus pada kain. Begitu juga dengan barang-barang yang lain.

Jikalau anda mengatakan bahwa barang-barang tersebut walaupun tidak di-idrakkan semuanya dengan kebagusan melihat seperti suara dan rasa makanan maka sesungguhnya ia tidak terlepas dari idrak-nya panca indera kepadanya. Dan itu dirasa dengan panca indera. Dan tidaklah dimungkinkan kebagusan dan keelokan bagi yang dirasakan dengan panca indera. Dan tidak dimungkiri hasilnya kelezatan dengan idrak kebagusannya, hanya dimungkiri yang demiikian pada yang tidak di-idrak-kan dengan panca indera.

Ketahulah bahwa kebagusan dan keelokan itu terdapat pula pada apa yang tidak dirasa dengan panca indera. Karenanya dikatakan : ini tingkah laku yang baugs, ini perjalanan hidup yang bagus, ini akhlak yang bagus. Bahwa akhlak yang bagus itu dikehendaki oleh ilmu, akal, penjagaan diri (al-iffah), berani, taqwa, kemurahan hati, kepribadian, dan sifat-sifat kebajikan yang lain. Sesuatu dari sifat-sifat ini tidak dapat di-idrak-kan (dirasa) dengan panca indera akan tetapi dapat di idrak-kan (diketahui) dengan nur penglihatan mata hati yang bathiniyah. Semua sifat-sifat yang elok ini disukai. Orang yang bersifat dengan sifat-sifat tersebut pasti dicintai secara tabi’at pada orang yang mengenal sifat-sifatnya.

Keadaannya memang seperti yang demikian, bahwa tabi’at-tabi’at itu dijadikan untuk mencintai nabi-nabi AS, untuk mencintai para sahabat RA, sedang mereka itu tidak pernah disaksikan. Bahkan mencintai orang-orang yang mempunyai (pendiri-pendiri) mazhab seperti as-Syafi’i, Hanafi, Malik dan lain sebgainya, sehingga kecintaan seseorang kepada pendiri mazhabnya melampaui batas cinta. Lalu yang demikian membuatnya mau membelanjakan hartanya untuk menolong mazhabnya dan mempertahankan mazhabnya. Dan ia mau menghadang bahaya dengan nyawanya untuk memerangi orang yang mencaci maki imamnya dan orang yang ditakutinya. Berapa banyak darah ditumpahkan untuk menolong orang-orang pendiri mazhab-mazhab. Semoga kiranya aku ketahui orang yang mencintai As-Syafi’i misalnya, maka mengapa ia (As-syafi’i) dicintainya padahal sekali-kali ia tidak pernah menyaksikan bentuknya. Dan jikalau disaksikannya mungkin ia tidak akan memandang kebagusan rupanya. Maka pandangan yang bagus yang membawanya kepada cinta yang bersangatan adalah karena bentuknya yang bathiniyah bukan karena bentuknya yang zahiriyah. Bahwasanya bentuknya yang zahiriyah itu telah bertukar menjadi tanah bersama tanah. Sesungguhnya ia mencintainya karena sifat-sifatnya yang bathiniyah dari agama, taqwa, banyak ilmu, meliputi pengetahuan agama, bangunnya untuk memfaedahkan ilmu syari’at dan pada menyiarkan kebajikan-kebajikan dalam alam duniawi.

Inilah hal-hal yang elok yang tidak diketahui keelokannya selain dengan nur penglihatan mata hati. Adapun panca indera maka terbatas/singkat pandangan dari padanya.

Demikian juga orang yang mencintai Abu Bakar As-Shidiq RA, dan melebihkannya atas orang lain. Atau mencintai Ali RA dan ber-ta’assub (fanatik) kepadanya. Maka ia tidak mencintai mereka semua melainkan karena memandang bagusnya bentuk bathiniyah mereka dari ilmu agama, taqwa, berani, kemurahan hati dan lain-lain.

Maka sebagai dimaklumi bahwa orang yang mencintai Abi Bakar As-Shidiq RA, tidaklah ia mencintai tulangnya, dagingnya, kulitnya, sendi-sendi dan bentuknya karena semua itu telah hilnag, berganti dan menjadi tiada. Akan tetapi tinggalah apa yang menjadikan Abu Bakar itu Shidiq karenanya yaitu sifat-sifat yang terpuji yang menjadi sumber perjalanan hidup yang elok. maka kecintaan itu kekal dengan kekekalan sifat-sifat itu serta hilangnya semua bentuk. Sifat-sifat itu kembali semuanya kepada ilmu dan kesanggupan, apabila ia telah mengetahui segala urusan dan sanggup membawa dirinya kepadanya dengan memaksakan nafsu syahwatnya. Maka semua sifat kebajikan itu bercabang dari dua sifat tadi. Keduanya tidak dapat dijangkau dengan panca indera, dan tempat keduanya dari jumlah badannya itu menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan. Dan itu dicintai dengan sebenarnya. Dan tidaklah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan itu suatu rupa bentuk dan warna yang tampak bagi penglihatan sehingga karenanya ia dicntai.

Jadi, keelokan itu terjadi pada perjalanan hidup walaupun perjalanan hidup itu muncul tanpa ilmu dan penglihatan mata hati yang tidak mengharuskan yang demikian akan cinta. Maka yang dicintai itu adalah sumber perjalanan hidup yang elok yaitu budi pekerti yang terpuji dan sifat-sifat keutamaan yang mulia kesemuanya kembali pada kesempurnaan ilmu dan kemampuan. Dan itu dicintai dengan tabi’at manusia dan tidak diketahui dengan panca indera. Sehingga anak kecil yang disembunyikan, serta tabi’atnya apabila kita menghendaki mencintainya dalam keadaan tidak hadir, niscaya tiada jalan bagi kita selain dengan berpanjang lebar menerangkan sifatnya dengan keberanian, kemurahan hati, dan perkara-perkara terpuji lainnya.

Manakala orang beri’tikad yang demikian niscaya ia tidak dapat menahan dirinya dan tidak sanggup untuk tidak mencintainya. Maka adakah kuatnya kecintaan kepada para sahabat RA, kemarahan kepada abu jahal dan kemarahan kepada iblis yang telah kena kutukan الله, selain disebabkan dengan berpanjang lebar pada mensifatkan kebaikan dan kekejian yang semua itu tidak dapat dijangkau oleh panca indera ?. bahkan ketika manusia mensifatkan Hatim dengan kemurahan hati dan mereka mensifatkan Khalid dengan keberanian, niscaya mereka itu dicintai oleh semua hati dengan kecintaan yang demikian mudah. Tidaklah yang demikian itu dengan melihat bentuk yang dirasakan dengan panca indera dan tidak dari keuntungan yang akan diperoleh yang mencintai. Bahkan apabila diceritakan perjalanan hidup dari sebagian raja-raja di sebagian dunia di atas bumi akan keadilan, keikhlasan dan melimpahnya kebajikan, niscaya akanlah kuat kecintaan di hati serta putus asa daripada berhamburan ke-ihsanan-nya kepada orang-orang yang mencintai itu, karena jaraknya tempat yang dikunjungi dan jauhnya rumah-rumah yang ditempati.

Jadi tidaklah cinta manusia itu terbatas kepada orang yang telah berbuat baik kepadanya saja, akan tetapi orang yang berbuat baik itu dicintai pada dirinya walaupun tidak sampai sekali-kali kebaikannya kepada yang mencintai. Karena setiap kebagusan dan keelokan itu adalah dicintai orang. Bentuk itu zahiriyah dan bathiniyah. Bagus dan elok itu melengkapi keduanya. Bentuk zahiriyah dapat diperoleh dengan penglihatan lahir dan bentuk bathiniyah dapat diperoleh dengan penglihatan mata hati yang bathiniyah. Barang siapa yang tiada memiliki penglihatan mata hati bathiniyah niscaya ia tiada memperoleh bentuk bathiniyah. Ia tidak merasa lezat, tiada mencintai dan tiada cenderung kepada bentuk bathiniyah tersebut. Siapa yang memiliki penglihatan mata hati bathiniyah yang lebih kuat, dari panca indera zahiriyah, niscaya adalah cintanya kepada makna-makna bathiniyah itu lebih banyak dari cintanya kepada makna-makna zahiriyah. Maka jauhlah perbedaannya, antara orang yang menyukai ukiran yang tergambar pada dinding tembok karena keelokan bentuknya yang zahiriyah dan orang yang mencintai salah seorang nabi karena keelokan bentuknya yang bathiniyah.

Sebab kelima : kesesuaian yang tersembunyi antara orang yang cinta dan yang dicinta karena banyaklah terjadi diantara dua orang yang teguh kasih sayang diantara keduanya tidak disebabkan keelokan atau keuntungan akan teapi semata-mata disesuaikan kesesuaian jiwa, sebagaimana sabda Nabi SAW, :

فما تعارف منهائتلف وما تناكر منهاأختلف

Maka yang berkenal-kenalan dari jwa itu niscaya berjinakan, sedang yag bertentangan daripadanya niscaya timbul perselisihan.

Kami jelaskan (insya الله) yang demikian itu pada kitab Adab Persahabatan, ketika menyabutkan kecintaan kepada الله. Maka carilah pada kitab tersebut karena dia itu termasuk dari keajaiban sebab-sebab cinta. Jadi bagian cinta itu kembali kepada lima sebab yaitu :

· Cinta insan akan wujudnya sendiri, kesempurnaan dan kekekalannya.

· Cinta insan kepada orang yang berbuat baik kepadanya mengenai apa yang kembali kepada kekekalan wujudnya, yang menolong pada kekekalannya dan yang menolak dari kebinasaan dirinya.

· Cinta insan kepada orang yang berbuat baik pada dirinya kepada manusia walaupun orang itu tidak berbuat baik kepadanya.

· Cinta insan kepada apa saja yang cantik pada benda itu sama saja dalam bentuk zahiriyah maupun bathiniyah.

· Cinta insan kepada orng yang diantara dia dengan orang itu ada kesesuaian yang tersembunyi pada bathiniyah.

Jikalau terkumpul sebab-sebab ini pada orang seorang niscaya sudah pasti berlipat ganda-lah cintanya, sebagaimana jikalau ada bagi insan seorang anak yang cantik rupanya, bagus budi pekerti, sempurna ilmu, teratur, berbuat baik kepada makhluk dan berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa niscaya anak itu akan dicintai dengan sungguh-sungguh. Dan adalah kuatnya cinta sudah terhimpun hal – hal tersebut, menurut kuatnya sifat-sifat itu pada dirinya. Jikalau ada sifat-sifat itu pada derajat kesempurnaan yang paling ujung, niscaya sudah pasti cinta itu pada derajat ayng paling tinggi. Maka marilah kita terangkan sekarang bahwa sebab-sebab semua itu tiada tergambar kesempurnaan dan terkumpul selain kepada الله SWT. Maka tiada yang mustahak/berhak dengan kecintaan pada hakikatnya selain kepada الله SWT....



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Leila MouradLeila Mourad

Leila Mourad (Arabic: ليلى مراد‎; February 17, 1918- November 21, 1995) was an Egyptian singer. She is also credited as "Laila Mourad" and "Layla Mourad".


She was born in Al Daher, Cairo in February 1917 to a Jewish Egyptian father, Ibrahim Zaki Mordachi, a famous religious cantor (Hazzan), singer and musician in the twenties, and to a Jewish Polish mother, Gamilah "Salmon" who gave birth to Mourad, Ibrahim, Malak, Mounir and Samihah. Her brother Mounir Mourad was an Egyptian actor and composer.

Jewish composer Dawoud Housni, who composed the first Operetta in the Arabic language, helped her start her career by composing two songs: "hairana Leh Bein El Eloub" (Why can't you choose from among lovers), and "Hoa el dala'a ya'ani khessam" (Does daliance mean avoiding me?). Further success came when the prominent Egyptian composer Mohammed Abdel Wahab heard her singing and gave her a role in his film Yahia el Hob (Viva Love!) in 1938. With the rise of antisemitism in the late 1930s and the 1940s, she converted to Islam in the hope of protecting her career in show business. Several of her family members were dismayed and her conversion did not help her for too long.

In 1953, she was selected, over Umm Khulthum, as the official singer of the Egyptian revolution. Umm Khulthum, herself a respected and popular singer, was said to have been furious. Shortly thereafter, a rumor that she visited Israel and donated money there, placed her as a suspect of spying and made some Arab radio stations boycott her. She denied these allegations and she was called for judicial investigations. All along, she was defensive against the antisemitic innuendos, insisting that she is a Muslim.

No proof had been found in Egypt that she contributed money to Israel. Her visit to the Jewish state, where several members of her family fled and settled, was however neither confirmed nor categorically denied by the authorities who investigated. Nevertheless, the Egyptian public, who never took the actress's conversion to Islam seriously and considered her Jewish all along, continued to love her. The religious commitment of actresses, singers, and dancers are not taken seriously by Egyptians.

Laila Murad died in a hospital in Cairo in 1995.

Family and Marriages

Laila's relationship to her family was complicated. Since the accusations against her, she tried to distance herself from other Jews, including her family. In the years following the Six Day War, Egyptian Jewish men between the ages of seventeen and sixty were rounded up, incarcerated and tortured in the notorious detention camps of Abu Za'abal and Tura. Laila's brother, Ishak Zaki, was among these internees. Though after a year of incarceration family visits were allowed, Laila never visited her brother. Nearly all of the incarcerated Jews had their citizenship or residency rights denied before being deported out of the country, taken from the camp to the airport. Laila Murad did not see her brother off at the airport.

Laila Mourad married Anwar Wagdi (1945-1953). They were married and divorced three times. Rumors spread that Wagdi divorced her because he sensed that her conversion to Islam was an act of convenience, and that her loyalty remained to Judaism, and by extension, Israel. However, Wagdi, who married Laila before her conversion, himself denied that religion was a cause of their divorces. She was later to marry, and divorce, Wagih Abaza of the Abaza Family. Later she married the producer Fateen Abdul Wahab and she gave birth to her son Zaki Fattin Abdul Wahab, and finally divorced in 1969.

Her famous songs include:

  • "Yama Arak el nasim"
  • "Ya msafer we nassi hawak"
  • "Albi dalleli"
  • "leeh khaletni ahebak"
  • "Elmaya we el hawa"
  • "Ya aaz mn Ainy"
  • "Sanaten wana ahayel feek"
  • "Etmakhtary".
  • "El Hob Gameel".
  • "Monaya fi Korbak"
  • "Abgad Hawaz".
  • "Einy Betref", a duet with the Egyptian actor "Naguib AlRaihani".

Her movies include:

  • Sayedat al-Qitar (Lady on the Train), 1953.
  • Ward el gharam (Flowers of Love), 1952.
  • Ghazal Al Banat (Flirtation of Girls), 1949.
  • El Hawa wa el chabab (Love and Youth), 1948.
  • Darbet el kadar (The Blow of Fate), 1947.
  • Qalbi dalili (My Heart is my guide), 1947.
  • Khatem Suleiman (Solomon's Ring), 1947.
  • Leila bint el agnia (Leila, Daughter of the Rich), 1947.
  • Leila bint el fukara (Leila, Daughter of the Poor), 1946.
  • El Madi el maghoul (The Forgotten Past), 1946.
  • Shadia al wadi (The Singer in the Valley), 1946.
  • Leila fil zalam (Leila in the Shadows), 1944.
  • Leila, bint al-madaress (Leila, the Schoolgirl), 1942.
  • Laila, ghadet el camelia (Leila, Lady of the Camelias), 1942.
  • Shuhaddaa el gharam (Romeo and Juliet), 1942.
  • Leila, bint el rif (Leila, the Girl from the Country), 1941.
  • Laila momtera (Stormy Night), 1940.
  • Yahya el hub (Long Live Love), 1938.

Sabbatai Zevi

Sabbatai Zevi, (Hebrew: שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי, Shabbetay Ẓevi) (other spellings include Sabetay in Turkish, Shabbethai, Sabbetai, Shabbsai; Zvi; Sabbetai Tzvi; he was also known by the acronym ש״ץ Shatz) (August 1, 1626 – possibly September 17, 1676, in Dulcigno (present day Ulcinj), Montenegro) was a rabbi[1] and Kabbalist who claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the Jewish Sabbatean movement and inspired the founding of a number of other similar sects, such as the Donmeh in Turkey.

Sabbatai Zevi was born in Smyrna on (supposedly) a 9th Av 1626 (a Sabbath), and died, according to some, on Yom Kippur, September 30, 1676, in Dulcigno, a small town in the coastal region of Montenegro, now called Ulcinj. Zevi's family were Romaniotes from Patras; his father, Mordecai, was a poor poultry-dealer in the Morea. Later, when in consequence of the war between Turkey and Venice under the Sultan Ibrahim I, Smyrna became the centre of Levantine trade, Mordecai became the Smyrnan agent of an English house. As a consequence, he acquired considerable wealth.

Sabbatai Zevi's early years

In accordance with the prevailing Jewish custom, Sabbatai's father had him study the Talmud. In his early youth he attended a yeshiva under the erudite rabbi of Smyrna, Joseph Escapa. Studies in halakha (Jewish law) did not appeal to him but apparently he did attain proficiency in the Talmud. On the other hand, he was fascinated by mysticism and the Kabbalah, in the prevailing style of Rabbi Isaac Luria. He found the practical Kabbalah, with its asceticism, and its mortification of the body – through which its devotees claimed to be able to communicate with God and the angels, to predict the future and to perform all sorts of miracles – especially appealing.

In his youth he was inclined to solitude. According to custom he married early, but he avoided intercourse with his wife; she therefore applied for a divorce, which he willingly granted. The same thing happened with a second wife.[citation needed] When he was about twenty years of age, he began to develop unusual behaviors. He would alternately sink into deep depression and isolation, and become filled with frenzied restlessness and ecstasy. He felt compelled to eat nonkosher food, speak the forbidden name of God, and commit other "holy sins."[2]

Influence of English millenarianism

During the first half of the 17th century, millenarian ideas of the approach of the Messianic time, and more especially of the redemption of the Jews and their return to the land of Israel, with their own independent sovereignty, were popular. The apocalyptic year was identified by Christian authors as 1666. This belief was so dominant that Manasseh ben Israel, in his letter to Oliver Cromwell and the Rump Parliament, did not hesitate to use it as a motive for his plea for the readmission of the Jews into England, remarking "the opinions of many Christians and mine do concur herein, that we both believe that the restoring time of our Nation into their native country is very near at hand".

Sabbatai's father, who as the agent of an English house was in constant touch with English people, must frequently have heard of these expectations and, being strongly inclined to believe them, must have communicated them to his son, whom he almost deified because of his piety and kabbalistic wisdom.

Claims of messiahship

Apart from this general Messianic theory, there was another computation, based on an interpreted passage in the Zohar (a famous Jewish mystical text), and particularly popular among the Jews, according to which the year 1648 was to be the year of Israel's redemption by their long-awaited Jewish Messiah.

Though only twenty-two years old Sabbatai chose (in the year 1648) to reveal himself at Smyrna to a group of followers as the true Messianic redeemer, designated by God to overthrow the governments of the nations and to restore the kingdom of Israel. His mode of revealing his mission was the pronouncing of the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew, an act which Judaism emphatically prohibited, except the Jewish high priest in the Temple in Jerusalem on the Day of Atonement. This was of great significance to those acquainted with rabbinical, and especially Kabbalistic, literature. However, Sabbatai's authority at the age of twenty-two did not reach far enough for him to gain many adherents.

Among the first of those to whom he revealed his Messiahship were Isaac Silveyra and Moses Pinheiro, the latter a brother-in-law of the Italian rabbi and kabbalist Joseph Ergas. Sabbatai remained at Smyrna for several years, leading the pious life of a mystic, and giving rise to much argument in the community, the details of which are not known. The college of rabbis, having at its head his teacher, Joseph Escapa, watched Sabbatai closely, and when his Messianic pretensions became too bold they put him and his followers under a ban of cherem, a type of excommunication in classical Judaism.

About the year 1651 (according to others, 1654) Sabbatai and his disciples were banished from Smyrna. It is not quite certain where he went from there. In 1653, or at the latest 1658, he was in Constantinople, where he met a preacher, Abraham ha-Yakini (a disciple of Joseph di Trani), who confirmed Sabbatai. Ha-Yakini is said[who?] to have forged a manuscript in archaic characters and in a style imitating the ancient apocalypses, and which, he alleged, bore testimony to Sabbatai's Messiahship. It was entitled The Great Wisdom of Solomon, and began:

"I, Abraham, was confined in a cave for forty years, and I wondered greatly that the time of miracles did not arrive. Then was heard a voice proclaiming, 'A son will be born in the Hebrew year 5386 [English calendar year 1626] to Mordecai Zevi; and he will be called Shabbethai. He will humble the great dragon; ... he, the true Messiah, will sit upon My throne."

In Salonica

With this document, which he appears to have accepted as an actual revelation, Sabbatai determined to choose Salonica, at that time a center of Kabbalists, as the field for his further operations. Here he boldly proclaimed himself the Messiah, gaining many adherents. In order to impress his Messiahship upon the minds of his enthusiastic friends he put on all sorts of mystical events — e.g., the celebration of his marriage as the “Son of God” (the Ein Sof) with the Torah, preparing a solemn festival to which he invited his friends. The consequence was that the rabbis of Salonica banished him from the city. The sources differ widely as to the route he took after this expulsion, Alexandria, Athens, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Smyrna and other places being mentioned as temporary centers. Finally, however, after long wanderings, he settled in Cairo, where he resided for about two years (1660–1662).

At that time there lived in Cairo a very wealthy and influential Jew named Raphael Joseph Halabi ("of Aleppo"), who held the high position of mint-master and tax-farmer under the Ottoman government. Despite his riches and the external splendor which he displayed before the public, he continued to lead privately an ascetic life, fasting, bathing, and frequently scourging his body at night. He used his great wealth benevolently, supplying the needs of poor Talmudists and Kabbalists, fifty of whom regularly dined at his table. Sabbatai at once made the acquaintance of Raphael Joseph, who became one of the most zealous promulgators of his Messianic claims.

He left the Egyptian capital and traveled to Jerusalem. Arriving there in about 1663, he at first remained inactive, so as not to offend the community. He resumed his former practice of mortifying the body by frequent fasting and other penances. Many saw this as proof of his extraordinary piety. Having a very melodious voice, he sang psalms for the whole night, or at times even coarse Spanish love-songs, to which he gave mystical interpretations, thus attracting crowds of admiring listeners. At other times he would pray at the graves of pious men and women and, some of his followers reported, shed floods of tears. He distributed all sorts of sweetmeats to the children on the streets. Thus he gradually gathered around him a circle of adherents who placed their faith in him.At this point an unexpected incident took him back to Cairo. The community of Jerusalem needed money in order to avert a calamity which Turkish officials planned against it. Sabbatai, known as the favorite of the rich Raphael Joseph Halabi, was chosen as the envoy of the distressed community, and he willingly undertook the task, as it gave him an opportunity to act as the deliverer of the Holy City. As soon as he appeared before Halabi he obtained from him the necessary sum, which gave him great prestige. His worshipers dated his public career from this second journey to Cairo

Marriage to Sarah

Another circumstance assisted Sabbatai in the course of his second stay at Cairo. During the Chmielnicki massacres in Poland, a Jewish orphan girl named Sarah, about six years old, had been found by Christians and sent to a convent. After ten years' confinement she escaped (reportedly through a miracle), and was taken to Amsterdam. Some years later she went to Livorno where, according to authentic reports, she led a life of prostitution. She also conceived the notion that she was to become the bride of the Messiah who was soon to appear. The report of this girl reached Cairo, and Sabbatai claimed that such a consort had been promised to him in a dream because he, like the Messiah of the Christians, was bound to fall in love with an unchaste woman...(Cecilia Ruiz de Ríos, Nicaraguan historian). Messengers were sent to Livorno, and Sarah was brought to Cairo, where she was married to Sabbatai at Halabi's house. Through her a romantic, licentious element entered Sabbatai's career. Her beauty and eccentricity gained for him many new followers, and even her past lewd life was looked upon as an additional confirmation of his Messiahship, the prophet Hosea having been commanded to take a "wife of whoredom" as the first symbolic act of his calling.

Nathan of Gaza

Main article: Nathan of Gaza

Having Halabi's money, a charming wife, and many additional followers, Sabbatai triumphantly returned to Palestine. Passing through the city of Gaza, he met a man who was to become very active in his subsequent Messianic career. This was Nathan Benjamin Levi, known under the name of Nathan of Gaza (נתן עזתי Nathan 'Azzati). He became Sabbatai's right-hand man and professed to be the risen Elijah, the precursor of the Messiah. In 1665, Nathan announced that the Messianic age was to begin in the following year. Sabbatai spread this announcement widely, together with many additional details to the effect that the world would be conquered by him, the Elijah, without bloodshed; that the Messiah would then lead back the Ten Lost Tribes to the Holy Land, "riding on a lion with a seven-headed dragon in its jaws". These claims were widely circulated and believed.

The rabbis of Jerusalem regarded the movement with great suspicion, and threatened its followers with excommunication. Sabbatai, realizing that Jerusalem was not a congenial place in which to carry out his plans, left for his native city, Smyrna, while his prophet, Nathan, proclaimed that henceforth Gaza, and not Jerusalem, would be the sacred city. On his way from Jerusalem to Smyrna, Sabbatai was enthusiastically greeted in the large Asiatic community of Aleppo, and at Smyrna, which he reached in the autumn of 1665, the greatest homage was paid to him. Finally, after some hesitation, he publicly declared himself as the expected Messiah (Jewish New Year, 1665); the declaration was made in the synagogue, with the blowing of horns, and the multitude greeted him with: "Long live our King, our Messiah!"

[edit] Proclaimed messiah

"Shabbatai Tzvi enthroned", from Tikkun, Amsterdam, 1666.
"Shabbatai Tzvi enthroned", from Tikkun, Amsterdam, 1666.

The joy of his followers knew no bounds. Sabbatai, assisted by his wife, now became the sole ruler of the community. In this capacity he used his power to crush all opposition. For instance, he deposed the old rabbi of Smyrna, Aaron Lapapa, and appointed in his place Hayyim Benveniste. His popularity grew with incredible rapidity, as not only Jews but Christians also spread his story far and wide. His fame extended to all countries. Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands had centers where the Messianic movement was ardently promulgated, and the Jews of Hamburg and Amsterdam received confirmation of the extraordinary events in Smyrna from trustworthy Christians. A distinguished German savant, Heinrich Oldenburg, wrote to Baruch Spinoza (Spinozae Epistolae No 33): "All the world here is talking of a rumour of the return of the Israelites ... to their own country. ... Should the news be confirmed, it may bring about a revolution in all things."

Sabbatai numbered many prominent rabbis as followers, including Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Moses Raphael de Aguilar, Moses Galante, Moses Zacuto, and the above-mentioned Hayyim Benveniste. Even the semi-Spinozist Dionysius Mussafia Musaphia likewise became one of Sabbatai's zealous adherents. Fantastic reports were widely spread and believed, as for example: "in the north of Scotland a ship had appeared with silken sails and ropes, manned by sailors who spoke Hebrew. The flag bore the inscription 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel'." The community of Avignon, France, prepared to emigrate to the new kingdom in the spring of 1666.

The readiness of the Jews of the time to believe the messianic claims of Sabbatai Zevi may be largely explained by the desperate state of European Jewry in the mid-1600s. The bloody pogroms of Bohdan Khmelnytsky had wiped out one third of the Jewish population and destroyed many centers of Jewish learning and communal life (Cohen 1948). There is no doubt that for most of the Jews of Europe there could never have seemed a more propitious moment for the messiah to deliver salvation than the moment at which Sabbetai Zevi made his appearance.

[edit] Spread of his influence

Main article: Sabbateans

The adherents of Sabbatai, probably with his consent, even planned to abolish to a great extent the ritualistic observances because, according to a minority opinion in the Talmud, in the Messianic time most of them were to lose their obligatory character. The first step toward the disintegration of traditional Judaism was the changing of the fast of the Tenth of Tevet to a day of feasting and rejoicing. Samuel Primo, a man who entered Sabbatai's service as secretary at the time when the latter left Jerusalem for Smyrna, directed in the name of the Messiah the following circular to the whole of Israel:

"The first-begotten Son of God, Shabbethai Tebi, Messiah and Redeemer of the people of Israel, to all the sons of Israel, Peace! Since ye have been deemed worthy to behold the great day and the fulfilment of God's word by the Prophets, your lament and sorrow must be changed into joy, and your fasting into merriment; for ye shall weep no more. Rejoice with song and melody, and change the day formerly spent in sadness and sorrow into a day of jubilee, because I have appeared."

This message produced wild excitement and dissension in the communities, as many of the leaders, who had hitherto regarded the movement sympathetically, were shocked at these radical innovations. Solomon Algazi, a prominent Talmudist of Smyrna, and other members of the rabbinate, who opposed the abolition of the fast, narrowly escaped with their lives.

[edit] In Istanbul

At the beginning of the year 1666, Sabbatai again left Smyrna for Istanbul (the Ottoman Empire's capital, which was still known in the Christian West at the time as Constantinople), either because he was compelled to do so by the city authorities or because of a hope that a miracle would happen in the Turkish capital to fulfill the prophecy of Nathan Ghazzati that Sabbatai would place the sultan's crown on his own head. As soon as he reached the landing-place, however, he was arrested at the command of the grand vizier, Ahmed Köprülü, and cast into prison in chains.

Sabbatai's imprisonment had no discouraging effect either on him or on his followers. On the contrary, the lenient treatment which he secured by means of bribes served rather to strengthen them in their Messianic delusions. In the meantime, all sorts of fabulous reports concerning the miraculous deeds which "the Messiah" was performing in the Turkish capital were spread by Ghazzati and Primo among the Jews of Smyrna and in many other communities, and the expectations of the Jews were raised to a still higher pitch.

[edit] At Abydos (Migdal Oz)

After two months' imprisonment in Constantinople, Sabbatai was brought to the state prison in the castle of Abydos. Here he was treated very leniently, some of his friends even being allowed to accompany him. In consequence the Sabbataians called that fortress Migdal Oz ("Tower [of] Strength"). As the day on which he was brought to Abydos was the day preceding Passover, he slew a paschal lamb for himself and his followers and ate it with its fat, which was a violation of the Law. It is said that he pronounced over it the benediction: "Blessed be God who hath restored again that which was forbidden."

The immense sums sent to him by his rich adherents, the charms of the queenly Sarah and the reverential admiration shown him even by the Turkish officials and the inhabitants of the place enabled Sabbatai to display royal splendor in the castle of Abydos, accounts of which were exaggerated and spread among Jews in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In some parts of Europe Jews began to unroof their houses and prepare for a new "exodus". In almost every synagogue, Sabbatai's initials were posted, and prayers for him were inserted in the following form: "Bless our Lord and King, the holy and righteous Sabbatai Zevi, the Messiah of the God of Jacob." In Hamburg the council introduced this custom of praying for Sabbatai not only on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath), but also on Monday and Thursday, and unbelievers were compelled to remain in the synagogue and join in the prayer with a loud Amen. Sabbatai's picture was printed together with that of King David in most of the prayer-books, as well as his kabbalistic formulas and penances.

These and similar innovations caused great dissension in various communities. In Moravia the excitement reached such a pitch that the government had to interfere, while at Sale, Morocco, the emir ordered a persecution of the Jews. It was during this period that Sabbatai transformed the fasts of the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av (his birthday) into feast-days, and it is said that he contemplated even the abolition of the Day of Atonement.

[edit] Nehemiah ha-Kohen

Shabbatai Tzvi as a prisoner in Abydos.
Shabbatai Tzvi as a prisoner in Abydos.

At this time an incident occurred which led to the discrediting of Sabbatai's Messiahship. Two prominent Polish Talmudists from Lwów, Galicia, who were among Sabbatai's visitors in Abydos, apprised him of the fact that in their native country a prophet, Nehemiah ha-Kohen, had announced the coming of the Messiah. Sabbatai ordered the prophet to appear before him. (See Jew. Encyc. ix. 212a, s.v. Nehemiah ha-Kohen). Nehemiah obeyed, reaching Abydos, after a journey of three months, at the beginning of September, 1666. The conference between the two ended in mutual dissatisfaction, and some fanatical Sabbataians are said to have contemplated the secret murder of the dangerous rival.

[edit] Sabbatai adopts Islam

Nehemiah, however, escaped to Constantinople, where he pretended to embrace Islam to get an audience with the kaymakam and betrayed the treasonable desires of Sabbatai to him. He in turn informed the sultan, Mehmed IV. At the command of Mehmed, Sabbatai was now taken from Abydos to Adrianople, where the sultan's physician, a former Jew, advised him to convert to Islam. Sabbatai realized the danger of the situation and adopted the physician's advice. On the following day (September 16, 1666), being brought before the sultan, he cast off his Jewish garb and put a Turkish turban on his head, and thus his conversion to Islam was accomplished. The sultan was much pleased, and rewarded Sabbatai by conferring on him the title (Mahmed) Effendi, and appointing him as his doorkeeper with a high salary. Sarah and a number of Sabbatai's followers also went over to Islam. To complete his acceptance of Islam, Sabbatai was ordered to take an additional wife. Some days after his conversion he wrote to Smyrna: "God has made me an Ishmaelite; He commanded, and it was done. The ninth day of my regeneration."

[edit] Disillusion

Sabbatai's conversion was devastating for his followers. In addition to the misery and disappointment from within, Muslims and Christians jeered at and scorned the credulous Jews. In spite of Sabbatai's apostasy, many of his adherents still tenaciously clung to him, claiming that his conversion was a part of the Messianic scheme. This belief was further upheld and strengthened by false prophets like Ghazzati and Primo, who were interested in maintaining the movement. In many communities the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av were still observed as feast-days in spite of bans and excommunications.

Former followers of Shabbatai do penance for their support of him.
Former followers of Shabbatai do penance for their support of him.

At times Sabbatai would assume the role of a pious Muslim and revile Judaism, at others he would enter into relations with Jews as one of their own faith. In March 1668 he again announced that he had been filled with the "Holy Spirit" at Passover, and had received a "revelation." He, or one of his followers, published a mystical work addressed to the Jews in which it was claimed that Sabbatai was the true Messiah, in spite of his conversion, his object being to bring over thousands of Muslims to Judaism. To the sultan, however, he said that his activity among the Jews was to bring them over to Islam. He therefore received permission to associate with his former co-religionists, and even to preach in their synagogues. He thus succeeded in bringing over a number of Muslims to his kabbalistic views, and in converting many Jews to Islam, thus forming a Judaeo–Turkish sect whose followers implicitly believed in him.

Gradually the Turks tired of Sabbatai's schemes. He was deprived of his salary, and banished from Adrianople to Constantinople. In a village near the latter city he was one day discovered singing psalms in a tent with Jews, whereupon the grand vizier ordered his banishment to Dulcigno (today called Ulcinj), a small place in Montenegro, where he died in solitude.

[edit] Modern followers

Main articles: Sabbateans and Donmeh

Although rather little is known about them, various groups called Donmeh (Turkish for "apostate") continue to follow Sabbatai Zevi today, mostly in Turkey. Estimates of the numbers vary. Many sources claim that there are less than 100,000 and many of them claim there are hundreds of thousands of sabbatais in Turkey. According to one source:

"Although outwardly Muslims and, to a lesser extent, Christians, the DonmehReb Berechia after Sabbatai's death, such as The Darkening of the Light." secretly continue to observe Jewish rituals (such as circumcision, but at the age of three rather than eight days), pray in Hebrew as well as Aramaic and Ladino, and have clandestine festivals and fast days that are Jewish survivals. Karakash-Honiosos group also practise unique Sabbatian rites, probably instituted by

Isik University (a private university in Istanbul, Turkey) and the Feyziye Schools Foundation (Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfi - FMV) under whose umbrella the University is operating, are claimed to be founded by the Karakash group of Donmeh.

A group called Donmeh West, founded in California in 1973 by Yakov Leib HaKohain, is a Neo-Sabbatian virtual community at www.donmeh-west.com. Its teachings and practices are based on Yakov Leib's reinterpretation of Sabbatian teachings -- as well as those of Islam, Hinduism, Gnosticism and C.G. Jung -- to form a syncretistic Kabbalistic system in the antinomian tradition of Sabbatai Zevi.

Donmeh West and its leader, Yakov Leib HaKohain, have close ties with the hereditary donme of Turkey, many of whom look upon him as spearheading a spiritual revival in Sabbatianism of which they consider themselves to be a part, both in Turkey and the West. Hundreds of these "Sabbatians-by-Birth" have joined "Sabbatians-by-Choice" in the group for Neo-Sabbatian Ma'aminim created and led by Yakov Leib on Facebook.

The Israeli newspaper, Ma'ariv, recently published an interview with Yakov Leib explaining the Neo-Sabbatian revival they present him as heading.[3] Ma'ariv is also translating and publishing Yakov Leib's Neo-Sabbatian writings as a series of feature articles in their spirituality section. The first of these, "Redemption through Sin," has already been published.[4]

Hujjat al-Islam

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife,

from The Revival of the Religious Sciences

(Ihya `ulum al-din)

as-Salaamu `alaykum,

Al-Ghazali : The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife
(Kitab dhikr al-mawt wa-ma ba'dahu) ISBN: 0 946621 13 6 (Islamic Texts Society)
Book XL of The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya `ulum al-din) translated with an introduction and notes by T. J. Winter

[Introduction by the modern fan of al-Ghazali who put it on the net]

The following is a section from the above book, the book is an remarkable piece of work on eschatology by probably the greatest scholar of Islam, Imam Hujjat al-Islam (The Proof of Islam) Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111). The Imam was a theologian, logician, jurist and mystic, was born and died at the town of Tus in Central Asia, but spent much of his life lecturing in Baghdad or leading the life of a wandering dervish. His most celebrated work, of which this is the culminating section, exercised a profound influence on Muslim intellectual history by exploring the mystical significance of the practices and beliefs of Islamic orthodoxy, and earned him the title of "Hujjat al-Islam", the "Proof of Islam".

Many people consider the Imam to be the fulfillment of the hadith found in Bukhari:

6.420: Narrated Abu Huraira:

While we were sitting with the Prophet Surat Al-Jumu'a was revealed to him, and when the Verse, "And He (Allah) has sent him (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims).....' (62.3) was recited by the Prophet, I said, "Who are they, O Allah's Apostle?" The Prophet did not reply till I repeated my question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah's Apostle put his hand on Salman, saying, "If Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (Pleiades, the highest star), even then some men or man from these people (i.e. Salman's folk) would attain it."

Anyone who is acquainted with the work of the Imam would unhesitatingly agree with this statement, as Imam Ghazali deals primarily with issues of faith (Aqid`ah) as well as other Islamic issues and is of Persian descent. Imam Nawawi has said that "if all the books of Islam were lost, the Ihya would suffice them all", such is the depth and detail of this remarkable work.

The translation is a masterful one by T. J. Winter (`Abdal-Hakim Murad), who is a historian and a teacher of Arabic. Currently the book is out of print but will be made available again soon, insha'Allah, I consider this a must for every Muslim and I am currently making a second reading of this gem. Those who have read it relate that the book brings about much awareness of the brevity and fragility of life in this world and contemplation of the life in the next. Although the book deals with a subject that brings about much fear, it is not a morbid or pessimistic discourse and so it leaves the reader full of hope instead of fear, such is the style of Imam al-Ghazali (RahimuAllah).

May Allah (SWT) enable other sections from Ihya 'ulum al-Din available in English as we are in much need of classical, orthodox and quality literature.


An exposition of the grave's discourse to the dead, and of their utterances, either on the tongue of common speech, or that of the Spiritual State (lisan al-hal) (from Chapter Seven)

Now, the tongue of the Spiritual State (lisan al-hal) is even more eloquent in communicating with the dead than that of the speech when communicating with the living. The Emissary of God (May God bless him and grant him peace) said, 'When the dead man is laid in his grave it speaks to him, saying, "Woe betide you, O son of Adam! What distracted you from contemplating me? Did you not know that I am the house of trial, the house of darkness, the house of solitude and the house of worms? What distracted you from me? You used to pass me by, strutting on!" Now if he had worked well, then someone will reply to the grave on his behalf, saying, "Do you not see that it was his practice to enjoin the good and forbid the evil?" And the grave replies, "Then for him shall I turn to verdure [a condition of freshness or healthy growth.], and his body shall become radiance, and his spirit shall soar up to God (Exalted is He!)".' (According to the narrator, 'strutting' [faddad] is to take large strides.) [Ref: al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, 161; Abu Nu`aym, VI. 90; Abu Ya'la, al-Musnad (Haytami, Majma', III. 45-46)]

Said `Ubaid bin `Umayr al-Laythi 'Not a single man dies without being called by the pit in which he is buried, which declares, "I am the house of gloom, and of loneliness and solitude! If you were obedient to God during your lifetime then today I shall be a source of mercy for you, but if you were rebellious then I am an act of vengeance against you. The obedient who enter me shall come forth joyful, while the rebellious who enter me shall emerge in ruin".' Said Muhammad ibn Sabih 'I have heard that if a man is laid in his tomb to be tormented or afflicted by something which is odious to him, his dead neighbours call out to him, saying, "O you who leave your bretheren and neighbours behind you in the world! Was there never a lesson for you in us? Was there no clue for you in our preceding you? Did you not see how our actions were severed from us while you still had some respite? Why did you not achieve that which passed your bretheren by?" Then the regions of the earth call out to him, saying, "O you who were beguiled by the outer aspect of the world! Did you not take heed from your relatives who had vanished into the earth's interior? Those who were beguiled by the world before you and then met their fate, and entered into their graves? You watched them being borne aloft [To the cemetery], availed nothing by those they loved, and taken to the abode which they could not escape."'

Said Yazid al-Ruqashi 'I have heard it said that when the deceased is set in his tomb his works amass around him and are given to speak by God, so that they say, "O bondsman, alone in his pit! Your family and friends are now separated from you, so that today we are your sole companions".'

Said Ka'b [al-Ahbar], 'When the righteous bondsman is laid in his tomb he is surrounded by his righteous acts, such as his prayer, his fasting, his pilgrimage, his engagement in the Holy War, and the charity he used to distribute. Then the Angels of Chastisement approach him from the direction of his feet, but are told by Prayer, "Get back from him, you have no authority over him, for upon those [feet] he stood in me at length for the sake of God". Then they approach him from the direction of his head, but Fasting says, "You have no authority over him, for in the world's abode he thirsted at length for the sake of God". Next they draw near to him from the direction of his trunk, but Pilgrimage and Holy War say, "Get back from him for he exhausted himself and wearied his body when he accomplished the Pilgrimage and the Holy War for the sake of God; no authority do you have over him". Then they approach him from the direction of his hands, but Charity says, "Back! Retreat from my master, for how many an act of charity issued from those two hands to fall in to the hand of God (Exalted is He!), while he acted only for His sake; no authority, do you have over him". Then he shall be told, "Rejoice! Good you have been in life and in death!" Next, the Angels of Mercy come, and spread a heavenly cloth and resting-place out for him, and his grave is widened around him for as far as the eye can see. A candle is brought from Heaven, and from it he has light until God resurrects him from his grave.'

Said `Abd Allah ibn `Ubayd ibn `Umayr at a funeral, 'I have heard it said that the Emissary of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) once declared, "The dead man sits up and hears the footsteps of those that are present at his funeral, but none addresses him save his tomb, which says, 'Woe betide you, O son of Adam! Did you not fear me and my narrowness, and my corruption, terror and worms? What have you prepared for me?"

[Ibn al-Mubarak, (riwaya Nu`aym ibn Hammad), 41; Ibn Abi'l-Dunya, K. al-Qubur (Zabidi, x.397; Suyuti, Sharh, 114).